Group Health and Safety Policy

Camira Fabrics Ltd are committed to ensuring that health and safety is integral to how we do business. The promotion of a positive health and safety culture is a collective endeavour that requires the use of our knowledge and experience to promote continuous improvement in occupational health and safety management.

We believe that the successful management of health and safety is fundamental to our workers, our contractors, and visitors to our premises. It is a key part in creating a better working environment for everyone and is an essential component in assuring our continued performance and growth. We will ensure that health and safety is at the core of everything we do and that it is given equal priority with all other business objectives.


To achieve this aim, we will:

  • Consult with employees, contractors and service providers on their safety and activities undertaken on behalf of Camira.
  • Set health and safety objectives for the business that are communicated openly and used to drive improvement.
  • Only request workers and contractors to do work they are competent to perform.
  • Appoint competent persons to manage health and safety on behalf of the Company.
  • Encourage communication and cooperation between all internal and external stakeholders.
  • Provide quality information, appropriate training, and clear instruction to all workers.
  • Regularly review our health and safety performance and engage our workers in the review process.


To demonstrate this, the Camira board is committed to providing adequate resource to:

  • Enable the implementation of the Health and Safety policy and associated Standards.
  • To comply with and/or exceed our legal obligations.


In each aspect of the Company undertakings, we will ensure that the health and safety impacts and responsibilities are assessed and where necessary suitable controls are developed and implemented and that resources are made available for effective health hand safety management.


We will provide a safe working environment for all workers on our premises. This will be achieved by identifying hazards and reducing their risks. As a minimum, our premises will meet all legal requirements and obligations. We will ensure the health of our workers is not negatively impacted by their work and will endeavour to enhance their wellbeing via the environments in which they work. This will be done by providing appropriate occupational health services and wellbeing initiatives.


The Company management structure will identify who has specific responsibilities for health and safety but there is also a legal obligation for all workers to cooperate with management and complying with the Health and Safety policy to achieve the Company's aims. All workers should acknowledge their own responsibilities to take reasonable care to prevent injuries to themselves, their fellow workers, and members of the public. This will be achieved by complying with the arrangements in place for the management of health of safety. 


To ensure we meet the levels to which we aspire Camira will periodically audit and inspect the workplace to ensure standards and obligations are maintained. The results of which will form the basis of improvement plans for the Company as whole as well as individual location.

Chief Executive Officer and
Board Member responsible for Health & Safety
Dated: February 2023

Reference: S-1-GRP-POL-0001
